The NZIF Foundation encourages and supports forestry-related research, education and training through the provision of grants, scholarships and prizes. We also promote the development and distribution of forestry-related knowledge and information.

“The scholarship from NZIF enabled me to complete a Diploma in Forest Operations and Forest Management and helped with travel costs to study full time. This led to other opportunities working for a Forest Management company, and then completing a Degree in Occupational Health & Safety. I am now a HS consultant specialising in Forestry with over 10 years of experience. This has now helped me achieve my own business LA Safety Ltd, where I work with other contractors and organisations to achieve their HS goals and help create a good working culture.” 

Larissa Alofa, LA Safety Ltd


“Receiving the scholarship was an important early step in enabling my PhD research on the construction of operator stress and wellbeing in logging. The grant funded initial fees, transition costs and travel costs to present my research. With an emphasis on adding to industry knowledge, the scholarship was a degree of vindication from the profession that the outcome of the research would add value. Completing my PhD has given me the opportunity to continue pursuing greater understanding of the industry and work conditions that will enhance the wellbeing of operators within the industry as both a researcher and consultant.”

Trevor Best, University of Canterbury / Consultant

Scholarships and their use 

Scholarships have been awarded for a range of research topics and study expenses including:

  • Scientific research including on native forest restoration, carbon farming, pest control, water deficit, terrain and land use research, resin, bio-fuel.
  • People related research including how machine operators deal with stress, productivity analysis of mechanised logging, harvesting efficiency analysis, working hours analysis.
  • Supply-chain related research such as analysis of New Zealand’s bulk vessel availability for log exports, log exporting and cooperative competition in logistics activities, load rates at different ports, implications of log taper on accuracy of JAS scaling.
  • Technology related research including development of teleoperated robots, machine utilisation using GPS tracking.
  • Course fees and course related travel costs for tertiary study relating to forestry.

‘Forestry’ includes all activities involved in the management and use of forests and their products, operating across the full spectrum of forests and forestry in New Zealand, both for wood production and other purposes.

Donations to the Foundation

Use the quick and easy method of our QR code:


Make a credit card donation as an NZIF member: Click here

Donations from member and non members can also be made through internet banking to BNZ 02 1269 0014573 00. Please include your name in the details fields. Please email the Foundation email to advise you have made a donation and whether or not you require a receipt for tax purposes.

The NZIF Foundation is a registered charity (CC47691) under the Charities Act 2005. Donations of $5 or more are eligible donations for tax purposes.

To discuss opportunities for larger donations to be applied to specific purposes, contact the Foundation Chair

 View the NZIF Foundation Trust Deed