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Name City PostCode Region
Greg Adlam Wellington 5381 Wellington
Luis Apiolaza Christchurch Canterbury
Peter Auge Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Henri Bailleres Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Saulo Barboza Auckland 0600 Auckland
Oliver Batelier-Belton Wellington 6011 Wellington
Karen Bayne Christchurch 8440 Canterbury
Alan Bell Lower Hutt 5010 Wellington
Pierre Bellé Auckland
Angelo Belmar Auckland Auckland
Mike Bergin Atiamuri 3078 Waikato
Guy Bonner Dunedin 9054 Otago
Paul Bradbury Amberley Canterbury
Cameron Branch Taupo 3330 Waikato
Felix Brandt Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Jessica Brown Nelson 7010 Tasman-Nelson
Todd Buchanan Gisborne 4010 Gisborne
Gareth Buchanan Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Andrew Buswell Taupo 3300 Waikato
Damian Byrne Christchurch 8013 Canterbury
Peter Casey Auckland 1025 Auckland
Alec Cassie Mosgiel 9092 Otago
Nigel Chandler Auckland Auckland
David Chandler Christchurch Canterbury
Steve Chandler Nelson 7095 Tasman-Nelson
Peter Clark Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Andrew Clarke Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Peter Clinton Christchurch 8140 Canterbury
Kelly Coghlan Upper Hutt Wellington
Richard Cook Auckland Auckland
David Cormack Dunedin 9014 Otago
Matthew Cotterrell Dunedin 9016 Otago
Malte Coulmann Masterton Wellington
David Crawley Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Tim Crone Nelson 7020 Tasman-Nelson
Steve Croskery Masterton Manawatu-Whanganui
Russell Dale Rotorua 3015 Bay of Plenty
Bill Davies Tauranga Bay of Plenty
Patrick de Jong Nelson 7010 Tasman-Nelson
David Derks Harihari West Coast
Te Kapunga Dewes Rotorua 3015 Bay of Plenty
Andy Dick Tauranga Bay of Plenty
Yvette Dickinson Rotorua 3077 Bay of Plenty
Grant Dodson Dunedin 9054
Zhibin Du Auckland 0632 Auckland
Mike Duckett Rotorua 3040 Bay of Plenty
Murray Dudfield Silverstream 6035 Wellington
Heidi Dungey Rotorua 3074 Bay of Plenty
John Eckford Auckland 2018 Auckland
Philip Elworthy Auckland 1149
David Evison Christchurch Canterbury
Cameron Eyre New Plymouth 4374 Taranaki
Jacob Fairhall Marlborough 7276 Marlborough
Craig Fisher Rotorua 3040 Bay of Plenty
Loretta Garrett Rotorua 3046 Bay of Plenty
Brett Gilmore Paihia 0247 Northland
Meg Graeme Coromandel 3582 Waikato
Joseph Graham Dunedin Otago
Andrea Grant Christchurch Canterbury
Riki Green Kaitaia Northland
Myles Guy Marton 4741 Manawatu-Whanganui
Mitchell Haberkorn Darwin
Peter Hall Rotorua 3046 Bay of Plenty
Don Hammond Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Peter Handford Wellington 0150 Wellington
Duncan Harrison Christchurch Canterbury
Robin Hartley Pongakawa 3186 Bay of Plenty
Gibson Harvey Christchurch 8025 Canterbury
Sarah Helleur Christchurch 8014 Canterbury
Scott Henry Christchurch Canterbury
Hazel Honour Rotoura Bay of Plenty
John Hornby Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Peter Houston Whangarei Northland
Bert Hughes Masterton 5840 Wellington
Carolyn Jackson Rotorua 3042 Bay of Plenty
Edwin Jansen Christchurch 8081 Canterbury
Erin Jeffrey Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Brian Johnson Auckland 2010 Auckland
Jasmine Keaney Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Gottfried Kenda Invercargill 9812 Southland
James Kerr Havelock North 4130 Hawke's Bay
Michael King Rotorua 3040 Waikato
Sebastian Klinger Richmond Tasman-Nelson
Elisabeth (Lisa) Langer Christchurch Canterbury
Ross Larcombe Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Allan Laurie Waimate 7924 Canterbury
Aaron Laurie Waimate Canterbury
Hamish Levack Wellington 6012 Wellington
Bill Liley Auckland 1143 Auckland
Adrian Loo Christchurch 8140 Canterbury
Bill Lu Auckland CDB 1143 Auckland
Angus Malcolm Nelson 7020 Tasman-Nelson
Bruce Manley Christchurch 8041 Canterbury
Hamish Marshall Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Paul Marshall Timaru 7975 Canterbury
Euan Mason Christchurch 8140 Canterbury
Paul McCreedy Whangarei 0118 Northland
James McEwan Mosgiel 9092 Otago
Andrew McEwen Waikanae 5036 Wellington
Ross Mcfarlane Ruakaka 0116 Northland
Iain McInnes Gisborne 4010 Gisborne
Bryan McKinlay Gisborne 4010 Gisborne
Craig McMiken Nelson 7005 Tasman-Nelson
Angus McPherson Dunedin 905 Otago
Dean Meason Hamilton 3210 Waikato
John Miller Nelson Marlborough
Adam Mills Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Patrick Milne Kaiapoi 7692 Canterbury
Trevor Mitchell Hastings Bay of Plenty
Paul Molloy Central Otago Otago
Mark Morice Napier 4144 Hawke's Bay
Isaac Murphy Wanaka 9305 Otago
Barry Murphy Rotorua 3015 Bay of Plenty
Ellanese Mytton Tauranga 3112 Bay of Plenty
Maria Nally Tauranga 3179 Bay of Plenty
Andre Neumann Auckland 1147 Auckland
Melissa Nicol Warkworth 0981 Auckland
Sam Nuske Nelson 7005 Tasman-Nelson
Stuart Orme Masterton 5888 Wellington
Philip Orme Amberley 7440 Canterbury
Jack Palmer Christchurch 8024 Canterbury
Simon Papps Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Dawoon Park Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Thomas Paul Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Stephen Pawson Christchurch 8140 Canterbury
Tim Payn Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Matt Pedersen Whangarei 0179 Northland
Shane Perrett Rotorua 3040 Bay of Plenty
George Platts Dunedin 0627 Otago
Evan Powell Cost/C No. 1458 Wellington 6022 Wellington
Paul Quinlan Kaeo 0479 Northland
Simon Rapley Taupo 4040 Bay of Plenty
Brian Rawley Tokoroa 3491 Waikato
Kevin Reardon Wellington 6035 Wellington
Lawrence Rehutai Palmerston North 4441 Manawatu-Whanganui
Christopher Richards Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Brian Richardson Rotorua 3076 Bay of Plenty
Anton Ridley Invercargill 9840 Southland
Rosa Rivas Palma Auckland 1143 Auckland
Daniel Robertson Waikouaiti 9510 Otago
Bridget Robson 3120 Bay of Plenty
Christian Roschak Rotorua 3015 Bay of Plenty
Timothy Ross Auckland 0620 Auckland
Grant Rowe Wellsford Northland
David Saathof Hastings 4172 Hawke's Bay
Serajis Salekin Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
John Schrider Masterton 5840 Wellington
Mort Shepherd Mosgiel 9092 Otago
Paul Silcock New Plymouth 4374 Taranaki
Rowan Sprague Christchurch 8025 Canterbury
Michael Strang Whanganui 4547 Manawatu-Whanganui
Kirsten Stuart Christchurch 8053 Canterbury
Jason Syme Tauranga 3179 Bay of Plenty
Boon Khiang Tan Rotorua 3015 Bay of Plenty
Michael Thornton-Pay Dunedin 9024 Otago
Geoff Thorp Taupo Bay of Plenty
Tim Thorpe Upper Hutt 5019 Wellington
Alex Tolan Nelson 7020 Tasman-Nelson
Garry Townley Russell 0242 Northland
James Treadwell Hawkes Bay 4130 Hawke's Bay
Kenneth Tsang Rotorua 3040 Bay of Plenty
Nick van Haandel Cost/C No. 1516 Christchurch 8083 Canterbury
Rob van Rossen Whakatane 3121 Bay of Plenty
Sandra Judith Velarde Pajares Rotorua 3010 Bay of Plenty
Grace Villamor Rotorua 3046 Bay of Plenty
Rien Visser Christchurch Canterbury
Ross Wade Gisborne 4040 Gisborne
Matt Wakelin Tauranga 3112 Bay of Plenty
Jeremy Waldegrave Whangarei 0140 Northland
Martin Watson Christchurch 8081 Canterbury
Michael Watt Christchurch 8011 Canterbury
Pete Watt Pukekohe 2678 Auckland
Peter Weblin Rotorua 3076 Bay of Plenty
Graham West Rotorua Bay of Plenty
Rene Weterings Taupo 3330 Manawatu-Whanganui
Yannina Whiteley Riccarton 8041 Canterbury
Peter Wilks Upper Moutere 7173 Tasman-Nelson