Our upcoming conference promises an engaging program, highlighting the passion and dedication of our industry as we continue to navigate the changes and improvements in land use practices. From informative field trips to enlightening presentations and CPD sessions, we're set to deliver an unforgettable experience as we delve into three forestry themes of:              

  1. Tomorrow’s Forests – Environmental, Political and Research
  2. Alternative Species, Values and Uses
  3. Residue Management and End Use Products

Join us for a forestry conference blending challenges, opportunities and innovations that are found around the Top of the South and further afar. Engage in discussions on sustainability amidst our verdant forests, connect with industry leaders, and explore the developments occurring within our industry.

Over three days the conference is showcasing three field trip options on day one, leading into a full day of conference sessions featuring speakers and panels with insights and discussions. The field trips will look to provide the aspects of practice in play, with the speakers providing further detail and knowledge throughout the conference sessions.

On Thursday evening, gather for our NZIF Conference Awards Dinner at the Rutherford, preceded by pre-dinner drinks. Additionally, don't miss out on our special events, including the annual Women in Forestry Breakfast, Fire special interest group breakfast, or pre-dinner drinks session for the Fellows. Capping off the first day will be the beloved Future Foresters Quiz night—a lively affair complete with platters and drinks.

Friday morning is the NZIF AGM and we would like all members to participate along with the three CPD Sessions:

  1. Using remote sensing to evaluate slash and cutover compliance
  2. Before you plant (replant) - Understanding landforms at a landscape scale
  3. The Forestry Catchment Planner (FCP)— what it is, how it works and what it does

Whether you're a member, associate, newcomer, or have a passion and interest in forestry, our conference welcomes all to share knowledge and experiences and make the most of those networking opportunities. The Nelson Committee eagerly anticipates showcasing local workplaces and offering inspiring sessions on the latest in New Zealand forestry.

Nelson Committee

Rhys Black (Chair)
Siobhan Allen
Jessica Brown
Alex Tolan
Craig McMiken
Dan Montgomery

Sponsorship Co-ordinator

James Treadwell Email: president@nzif.org.nz, +64220434511

To see the NZIF 2024 Conference Sponsor Pack (download here) and contact either James or email the NZIF administrator.