Wednesday, 4th September 2024 



(packed lunch included)

Field Trip A

Tasman Pine Forests Ltd – Slash recovery and millennial regime review

Field Trip B

Showcasing Alternative Species in the Top of the South and their place in commercial forestry

Field Trip C

Marlborough's Future is Durable

6:30 pm

Future Foresters Quiz Night


Thursday, 5th September 2024

6:45 am

Women in Forestry Breakfast

6:45 am

Fire Breakfast: What Has Gone Wrong – Is There a Way Forward for the Forestry Sector





8:00 am

Welcome, Mihi


8:10 am


Minister Hon Todd McLay

SESSION Theme 1:  Tomorrow's Forest (Environmental, Political & Research)

8:30 am

Session Chair Introduction


8:35 am

Managing commercial plantation forestry in erodible steeplands into the future: a geomorphological perspective

Les Basher: Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research (and on behalf of Chris Phillips, joint research work)

9:05 am

Managing New Zealand falcons in southern NZ conifer plantation forests

Graham Parker: Parker Conservation Ltd

9:35 am

Plantation Forestry in Tairawhiti – Where to next?

Andy Costello: Aratu Forests Ltd

10:05 am

Morning Tea


10:35 am

Women in Tomorrow’s Forests

Heather Arnold: PF Olsen Ltd

11:05 am

The past, the present and the next rotation: Perspective of a Compliance Officer

Mathew McCormick: Marlborough District Council

SESSION Theme 2: Alternative Species, Values and Uses

11:35 am

Session Chair Introduction


11:40 am

Beyond boundaries: Working together to manage invasive introduced species

Penny Nelson: Department of Conservation

12:10 pm

Alternative tree species and native forest restoration in Hawkes Bay

James Powrie: Hawkes Bay Forestry Group & RedAxe Forestry Intelligence

12:40 pm



1:30 pm

The active forest management regime of New Zealand Carbon Farming’s permanent forest estate

Peter Casey: New Zealand Carbon Farming

2:00 pm

Mārahau Forest – Retiring Erosion Prone Land from Production

Craig McMiken: Forest Management Group

SESSION Theme 3: Residue Management, End Use Products

2:30 pm

Session Chair Introduction


2:35 pm

Biofuels operations and trials at OneFortyOne Nelson

Mark Coghill: OneFortyOne Ltd

3:05 pm

Afternoon Tea


3:40 pm

Theme: Domestic Processing in the Top of the South - Opportunities and Challenges

Kai Kruse: Nelson Pinex
Doug Davidson: Kaituna Sawmill OneFortyOne NZ
John Woodman: Prolam

4:10 pm

The Future of BioEnergy for NZ Forestry

David McGregor: Carbona

4:40 pm

Panel Discussion Theme: Practical Issues of Residue Management

Dave Robinson: Taylors Contracting
Steve Chandler: Tasman Pine
Shaun Truelock: OneFortyOne Ltd

5:10 pm

Summing up and closing


5:30 pm

Conference Closes





5:45 pm

Fellow’s Drinks


6:00 pm

Pre Awards Dinner Drinks


7:00 pm

NZIF Awards Dinner


Friday, 6th September 2024

8:00 am

Coffee/Tea on arrival


8:30 am

NZIF Annual General Meeting


10:15 am

Morning Tea



Continuous Personal Development 


10:45 am

CPD Session A:  Using remote sensing to evaluate slash and cutover compliance


12:15 pm



1:15 pm

CPD Session B: Before you plant (replant) - Understanding landforms at a landscape scale

Bridget Robson

2:15 pm

CPD Session C:  The Forestry Catchment Planner (FCP)—what it is, how it works and what it does

Mark Bloomberg: School of Forestry, University of Canterbury

3:30 pm
