19th June 2023 Newsletter
The past fortnight has brought forth significant policy announcements from both major political parties, which aim to impose certain limitations on us. These measures appear to be driven by reactions to the recent 'slash' issue and mounting pressure from farmers, particularly those from beef and lamb. Unfortunately, both parties have let us down as they had promised to keep us fully informed of their intentions, which they have failed to do.
In case you haven't heard about these policies, here's a brief overview. The National Party has announced restrictions on new planting, including a prohibition on planting on class 1-5 land. They propose a maximum of 15,000 hectares per year for class 6 land, with no limits on class 7 and 8 land. Additionally, they suggest only 25% of a farm may be planted if it falls within land classes 1-6. These proposed numbers fall well below the Climate Change Commission's recommended budget of 32,000 hectares per year. It appears to be a strategic move to secure the support of beef and lamb farmers and the 50 Shades of Green vote. However, the logic behind the proposed limit of 15,000 hectares is unclear, and the unlimited planting on class 7 and 8 land seems to push us back into highly erodible areas, with the potential effects witnessed during cyclone Gabrielle.
On the other hand, the Labour Party has announced plans to effectively reverse the NES-PF (National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry). They aim to empower local councils to determine which land can be utilised for plantations and carbon forests through the resource consent process. Peeni Henare stated these changes aim to ensure the "right tree in the right place," with fewer pine forests planted on farmland and more on less productive land. I have reservations about this approach as it raises questions about who decides what constitutes the "right tree in the right place." Furthermore, local councils may lack the expertise and funding necessary to effectively oversee new resource consents for planting.
In addition to these policy developments, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) has proposed decoupling forestry NZUs (New Zealand Units) from the market. This move could potentially devalue NZUs to only a third of their current worth.
As a consequence of these policies we may face significant challenges in meeting our climate change commitments, potentially necessitating the purchase of units from overseas. This situation would effectively send our hard-earned capital out of the country. National's proposed limit of 15,000 hectares alone would conservatively cost taxpayers around $180 million over three years, representing the expense of purchasing the required units from overseas.
I strongly encourage each and every one of you to engage with your local members of parliament to express your concerns about these policies and highlight the imprudence of these decisions, particularly concerning climate change. These policies could result in a capital flight from New Zealand to other countries, as potential investors, and perhaps even existing ones, perceive frequent policy changes and excessive uncertainty in our country.
In other news, I want to remind you our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and awards dinner are just around the corner, scheduled for the 8th of July. I urge all of you to attend and take advantage of the continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities available before the event. During the AGM, we will propose several rule changes, so it's crucial you have your say.
Furthermore, I am delighted to announce some administrative changes within NZIF. The Council has approved the creation of a new administrator role for the Registration Board, which will be filled by Raewyn. Consequently, we were in need of a new person to fulfill the administrator role, and I am pleased to introduce Veronica Bennet, who has accepted the position and will commence her contract next week. Both roles will have their respective areas of responsibility, but they will also provide cross-over support when one is absent. Both Veronica and Raewyn will be present at the AGM and awards dinner, so please take the opportunity to introduce yourselves if you attend.
Lastly, the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) has announced they will be initiating a consultation on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) today. While the exact details are uncertain at this point, it is worth noting Maori groups have expressed discontent and even resorted to legal action to halt the consultation process. We will keep you informed about any developments on this matter.
Thank you for your attention and ongoing support.
Best regards,
NZIF will also provide 3 sessions of CPD (zoom available) and the Awards Dinner.
Date: 8th July 2023
The venue: Wellington Club, 88 The Terrace, Wellington.
The programme is:
9.00am - 10.00am Registration and coffee/morning tea
10.00am - 11.30am First CPD session will be provided by Tane’s Tree Trust (TTT)
Presenters; Dr Jacqui Aimers, Peter Berg & Mike Bergin
1. TTT’s resources – where they can be accessed online, including:
Demonstrating the planting native forests toolkit - comprehensive online toolkit from planning to implementation for those planting native forests to meet multiple objectives.
- TTT handbook on Planting & Managing Native Trees
- Videos on best practice establishment and management
- Fact sheet series
2. An overview of native forest establishment, including:
- Planting native forest, including use of nurse crops
- Assisted natural regeneration at landscape scale
- Strategic use of seed islands
- Pest animal and weed management
- Importance of monitoring
11.30am - 1pm Second CPD session will be provided by Dr Andrew McEwen
Refresher on the Real Estate Exemption and related issues
Did you know NZIF Registered Members are allowed to be involved in some real estate transactions that can otherwise only be done by a licensed real estate agent?
Do you know what transactions are covered under the exemption?
Do you know what required to do or not do under the exemption and what happens if you get it wrong?
If you are not a NZIF registered member, what does the law say about that as far as your involvement in a real estate transaction is concerned?
How does the NZIF Code of Ethics relate to the exemption? What about the NZIF Policy on Continuing Professional Development?
Andrew McEwen, NZIF Registered Forester, former NZIF President and current member of the NZIF Registration Board will provide some answers to these and other questions.
1.00pm - 2.00pm Lunch
2.00pm -3.30pm Third CPD session again will be provided by Tane’s tree Trust
Presenters; Dr Jacqui Aimers, Peter Berg & Mike Bergin
1. Continuous cover forestry (CCF), which will cover:
- What are CCF regimes, and what are the benefits?
- The Northland Totara Working Group and the Totara Industry Project
- Introducing ‘A Practical Guide to Managing Tōtara on Private Land’
2. Transitioning Exotic Forest to Native:
Some early insights from a 5-year project on transitional forestry that started late last year https://www.tanestrees.org.nz/projects/transitioning-exotic-forest-to-native/?highlight=transition
3.30pm - 4.00pm Afternoon tea
4.00pm - 5.30pm AGM
5.30pm - 6.30pm Networking refreshments
7.00pm Awards Dinner
Register here for both in person and AGM and CPD zoom link. Registrations close for in person on the 30th June, registration for zoom attendance closes on the 6th July.
NZIF has organised a slight discount on rooms at the Bolton Hotel as follows; Premier Studio at $240 and Classic Suite at $280. It is on a first come first served basis. The Bolton already has another large group booking for the same day so please don’t delay your booking.
If you wish to take advantage of this offer please contact Mark Nixon at mark.nixon@boltonhotel.co.nz, stating which room type you want and mentioning your NZIF membership
The Secretary of NZIF gives notice to members that the 95th Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry will be held at the Wellington Club, 88 The Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand on the 8th July 2023, starting at 4pm
To attend the AGM via zoom only please contact admin@nzif.org.nz or Register for the CPD and AGM here
To register your AGM apology please email admin@nzif.org.nz
The Draft Agenda is below, if there are any extra items for the agenda, please send them to the Secretary at admin@nzif.org.nz
Agenda - Draft
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Obituaries
- Confirmation of the minutes of 2022 Annual General Meeting
- Matters Arising
- NZIF Annual Report and Financial Statement
- 6.1 Annual Report, for year ending 31 March 2022
- 6.2 Budget for Year Commencing 01 April 2023
- Motion to Amend the NZIF Rules
- Announcement of New NZIF Fellows
- Foundation Report
- General Business
Close meeting
Papers for the AGM will be provided asap
Nga mihi
Lania Holt
Secretary NZIF
Fellows Election is now open
The Fellows election for the upcoming 95th Annual General Meeting 2023 is now available on the NZIF website.
Members must login to the NZIF website. Voting is found under your ‘members profile’ then click on the 9 dots menu on the lefthand side then under ‘Elections’ then ‘current election’.
Or see here
To be eligible to vote, the following must apply:
- Be a paid up member
- Have Ordinary, Registered, Retired, Honorary membership
This year there are two members up for Fellow election, you can vote on both.
Voting closes; 5pm, 29th June 2023 and will be announced at the AGM on the 8th July 2023
2023 ANZIF Conference
Date: Sunday 15 to Wednesday 18 October 2023
Location: Twin Towns Conference Centre, Gold Coast, QLD
The 2023 ANZIF Conference, the premier Asia-Pacific Conference for forest scientists, foresters and forest growers will be held from Sunday 15 to Wednesday 18 October 2023.
The theme of the conference, Embracing Our Natural Capital: The Science, Technology and Art of Managing Forests For All Values, will facilitate conversation and collaboration – highlighting the need for active and adaptive management of our natural capital using evidence-based and emerging innovation, technology, skills and knowledge to support our forests and secure our future.
The program will facilitate both structured and informal dialogue and networking, and will incorporate a day of field sessions to explore the conference themes. The 2023 ANZIF Conference will also feature a number of social functions, which will enable networking and collaboration in an informal and relaxed environment.
The Conference is an exciting joint event from both Forestry Australia and The New Zealand Institute of Forestry – and it builds on the enormous success of the 2019 ANZIF Conference held in Christchurch, and Forestry Australia’s 2021 National Conference in Tasmania. In 2023, the ANZIF Conference will be based in the spectacular Gold Coast region, and will be held at Twin Towns Conference Centre on the border of Tweed Heads and Coolangatta.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 ANZIF Conference!
New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
The Government is reviewing the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) to make sure it’s fit for the job ahead.
The review will focus on the benefits, trade-offs and risks of changing the NZ ETS so it can to incentivise gross emissions reductions, but continue to support removals. Read more
Extensions to ETS deadlines
for areas affected by severe weather in early 2023 Read more
From the Registrar 19 June 2023
The following Members have applied to become Registered Members:
- Loretta Garrett of Rotorua
- Michael Watt of Christchurch
- Meg Graeme of Whangapoua
- Duncan Harrison of Okuku
The following Members are now Registered Members:
- Oliver Batelier-Belton of Wellington
- Guy Bonner of Dunedin
- Michael Strang of Whanganui
- Peter Oliver of Dunedin
- Heidi Dungey of Rotorua
- Michael Bergin of Atiamuri
- Michael Thornton-Pay of Dunedin
The following Members are due for their 5-Year review of registration in 2023 and have not yet submitted their application;
- Kirsten Stuart of Christchurch
- Brett Gilmore of Napier
- Rene Weterings of Taupo
- Dennis Neilson of Rotorua
Any member of the NZIF has the right to object to an application. Any objection should be lodged with the Registrar registrar@nzif.org.nz within 20 working days of the first appearance (5 June 2023) of the notice in this newsletter, specifying the grounds for the objection.
Peter Gorman, Registrar
NZIF Registration Board
+64 21 166 5938
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Emissions Trading Scheme auction fails again - but is that bad?
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National wants to keep agriculture off the ETS, give farmers more time before paying for emissions
Emissions Trading Scheme: Plans for revamp to be released
Forget the red tape - farming has only got itself to blame for its crises
Canadian wildfires blanket New York City in dark orange haze
Emissions Trading Scheme: Plans for revamp to be released
Emissions Trading Scheme auction fails again - but is that bad?
New rules for farm-to-forestry conversions
National wants to keep agriculture off the ETS, give farmers more time before paying for emissions
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Flushing our forests: the surprising connection between loo paper and deforestation
Activists take Canada’s environment minister to court in fight to save northern spotted owl
A visual guide to deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest
NZIF Administrator
Email: NZIF Office
Mobile: +64 22 653 3750
NZIF Registration Board
Email: Registrations
Mobile: +64 27 463 1118
Email: Complaints
Email: Appeals
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We are a forum to exchange ideas, opinions and information about forestry.
We encourage and help our members attain and maintain the highest standards of their profession.