Wednesday, 4th September 2024


FIELD TRIPS (packed lunch included)

Field Trip A Tasman Pine Forests Ltd – Slash recovery and millennial regime review
Field Trip B Showcasing Alternative Species in the Top of the South and their place in commercial forestry
Field Trip C Marlborough's Future is Durable

FIELD TRIP A - Tasman Pine Forests Ltd – Slash recovery and millennial regime review  

Tour Bus Leader: Dan Montgomery or Steve Chandler
Bus Leaving from: Rutherford Hotel, Nelson
Bus Leaving time: 09:30 am from Rutherford Hotel – 10:15am from Nelson Airport
Bus Return time: 5:00 pm (approx.)
  Note: Some stops are subject to availability of forest operations.
STOP 1  
Time: 11:15 am – 12:15 pm
Site Stop Name: Millennial regime
Summary of site stop: Walk through a mature stand of millennial regime plant and leave silviculture from the early 2000’s. Discover what the outcome of this silviculture method is.
Presenter/Speakers: Blair Tilly, Steve Chandler, Dan Montgomery
STOP 2  
Time: 12:15pm – 1:00 pm
Site Stop Name: Lunch and Heli grapple demonstration
Summary of site stop: View a helicopter slash grapple demonstration while eating lunch
STOP 3  
Time: 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm
Site Stop Name: Harvest crew and slash recovery
Summary of site stop: View a harvest operation in the moutere hills using a fixed felling head and transporting processing slash from landing.
Presenters: TPFL staff
STOP 4  
Time: 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Site Stop Name: AZwood
Summary of site stop: Visit AZwoods wood pallet processing plant to see what happens to slash recovered from Tasman Pines forests.
STOP 5  
Time: 5:00 pm
Site Stop Name: Rutherford Hotel, Nelson

FIELD TRIP B - Showcasing Alternative Species in the Top of the South and their place in commercial forestry

Bus Leaving from: The Rutherford Hotel, Nelson
Bus Leaving time: 9:30 am from hotel - 10:00 am from airport
Bus Return time: 5:00 pm (approx)
STOP 1  
Time: 10:30 am
Site Stop Name: Appletons Alternative Species Nursery - Wakefield
Presenter/Speaker: Robert Appleton & Appleton Nursery Staff
STOP 2 TBC – Either Borlase Forest Redwoods, Eves Valley Redwoods or Appletons Arboretum
Time: 12:00 pm
Site Stop Name: Response to windthrow across several rotations
Summary of site stop: Redwoods in a Nelson context for windthrow management
Presenter/Speaker: PF Olsen staff
STOP 3 Lunch @ Silvan Forest Ampitheatre –
Alternative Species Planting discussion
Time: 1:15 pm
Site Stop Name: Silvan Forest – Alternative replanting
Summary of site stop: Site planting plan, incl methods and species
Presenter/Speaker: Matt Griffin
STOP 4 Kingsland– Alternative Species Planting + Drone Spraying Demonstration?
Time: 2:30 pm
Site Stop Name: Kingsland Forest – Transition from Pines
Summary of site stop: Transitioning Forest Species with ETS liabilities
Presenter/Speaker: George Daly, PF Olsen Staff
STOP 5 The Rutherford Hotel, Nelson
Time: 5:00 pm

FIELD TRIP C - Marlborough's Future is Durable

Bus Leaving from: 7:40 am The Rutherford Hotel
Bus Leaving time: 9:30 am Blenheim Airport
Bus Return time: Return to The Rutherford Hotel around 6:00 pm
STOP 1  
Time: 10:00 am – 10:45 am
Site Stop Name: Pukaka Valley – Eucalypt Trials
Summary of site stop: Visiting Pukaka Valley to review the 2003 and 2006 eucalypt trials, established by Marlborough Regional Forests in collaboration with NZ Dryland Forests Innovation, to see what species are suitable to produce naturally durable vineyard posts
Presenter/Speaker: Paul Millen
Highlight of stop: Review of early eucalypt trials   novel forestry species on pine cutover of average productivity and around 900 mm rainfall per annum. Discussions on extensive site measurements with Permanent Sample Plots, LiDAR imagery and destructive sampling in conjunction with the University of Canterbury to determine the above ground biomass and develop  regional growth models including heartwood taper function for E. globoidea and E. bosistoana.
STOP 2 NZDFI  2009/10 E. bosistoana breeding trial
Time: 11:15 am -12:15 pm
Site Stop Name: MDC Cravens Road – E. bosistoana Progeny Trials
Summary of site stop: Visiting E. bosistoana progeny trials established in 2009 and 2010. These blocks are assessed for growth, form, and  wood properties by taking 14mm cores. These assessments provided data for selection of the top 14 families with individual elite trees identified as ortets for scion collection and grafting by Proseed to establish a production seed orchard in Amberley. Discussions will include their abilities to withstand the repercussions of significant storm events.
Presenter/Speaker: Paul Millen or Clemens Altaner (TBC).
Highlight of stop: Review the high variability within the families  of E. bosistoana , the selection methods and process taken to date. Learn  how the characteristics required for to the market have been identified.  Discussion on the opportunities for durable eucalypt species in New Zealand’s commercial forests’ landscapes.
STOP 3 12.45 pm Lunch : Allan Scott Bistro
STOP 4 Pinoli 1.5 h
Time: 2.15pm – 3.45pm
Site Stop Name: Pinoli Pine nuts - Pinoli Pine Nuts, 3647 State Highway 63, Wairau Valley 7271
Summary of site stop: Tour of the Pinoli Factory. Discover the process in which the pine nut is taken from field to market and how this alternative forest product has come to be.
Presenter/Speaker: Lee Paterson
Highlight of stop: Looking at an alternative forest product use outside of the conventional log and lumber market. Understand the process that has taken the unassuming pine nut to the global market. Carbon sequestration and the ETS, we’ll discuss how these plantations should be treated?
STOP 5 6:00pm Rutherford Hotel, Nelson