NZIF Webinar: Are Redwoods our second species?

7:30 PM
8:30 PM


CPD Webinars

Hear from our Redwood experts!

After radiata pine, Californian coast redwood has been the next most common species planted in commercial forests in New Zealand over the last decade.

Its growth rates in the right areas, long life, durable wood properties, freedom from pests and diseases and coppicing nature have resulted in increased investment in the species, in particular in the South Waikato, King Country and Inland Manawatu and Taranaki.

To provide members with an update on the current state of knowledge of redwoods – markets, site preferences, genetics, silviculture, carbon and economics of growing - we have assembled a team of leading redwood industry practitioners and researchers- to present the next NZIF webinar.

Rob Webster is a retired Registered Forester and NZIF Fellow with 50 years involvement in the New Zealand forestry industry. The past twenty years have included a significant involvement with the advancement of Coast redwood as a viable alternate species in New Zealand.

Including consulting to Kingheim Ltd and Chair of the FFA Sequoia Action Group.

Simon Rapley is a forester with experience in a range of timber crops. Simon has spent 20 years growing coast redwood and has studied redwood silviculture and economics in New Zealand and the processing and utilization of redwood in the Pacific North West. Simon is Registered Member and Fellow of the NZ Institute of Forestry.

Paul Silcock  is the Forest Manager for Kingheim, a company that has been establishing coast redwood across the Taranaki/South Waikato regions since 2012. Paul holds a Master of Forestry Science from the University of Canterbury and has been involved in the research, growing and processing of coast redwood in New Zealand over the past 15 years. Paul is a registered member of the NZIF and current chairman of the FFA Sequoia Action Group. 

Michael Watt  is a Principal Researcher at Scion who specialises in growth modelling and using remotely sensed data for a range of forestry applications. Michael co-leads the Remote Sensing Cluster group which is a consortia (>130 members) representing all major forest growers in NZ. Engagement through this group over the last 10 years has resulted in significant tech transfer to the forest industry. Michael has co-developed widely used models and productivity surfaces for many plantation species including redwood.

Date: 6th August 2024

Time: 7:30 pm NZST

Ticket Costs: $NZD

$10 NZIF Members

$10 Australian Forestry Members (please quote membership number in 'note to administrator')

$30 Non Members

Free: NZIF Student members only

Ticket Sales close: 3:00pm, 6th August July 2024

Everyone who completes registration:

- receives a link and joining instructions

- receives a recording of the webinar, so if you can’t listen live you can listen later.