Joint Appita & NZIF Annual Dinner Meeting

6:00 PM
9:30 PM

Copthorne Hotel, Fenton Street, Rotorua Bay of Plenty

Local Section Events

Joint Appita & NZIF Annual Dinner Meeting

Date: Thursday 15th August 2024

Venue: Copthorne Hotel, Fenton Street, Rotorua 


6:00pm Registration and Cash Bar – House Bar

6:30 Buffet Dinner - Hotel Restaurant


7:30 “The Effects of Cyclone Gabrielle on Central North Island Forests”.

Thomas Crosse, Planning Manager, NZ Forest Managers

Gale-force winds brought by Cyclone Gabrielle in February 2023 caused thousands of hectares of windthrow in forests in the Taupo-Turangi area. NZ Forest Managers scaled up their harvesting operations to complete a 3.3 million cubic metre salvage operation in under 18 months, and are now working through what harvesting, replanting, and forest management look like in a post-cyclone environment.

8:00 “EUDR – What it means to the NZ Wood Products Industry”.

Mark Ross, Chief Executive, Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association

The European Union has introduced a new regulation (EUDR) to prevent companies from placing commodities (incl. wood products) linked with deforestation and forest degradation, onto the EU market. Companies that export wood products are obliged to implement a due diligence and traceability system, conducting risk assessments and mitigating any risks which are not negligible, before placing on the EU market. To ensure New Zealand is prepared WPMA is leading the development of an industry solution to meet the new regulatory requirements. There are opportunities for further export growth in wood products to Europe, which currently sits at close to $100 million per annum. The EUDR is due to implemented in late December 2024. 

8:30 “Project Phoenix: Pan Pac’s Recovery from the Events of Cyclone Gabrielle”.

Danny Eagleton, Pulp Technical Manager, Pan Pac Forest Products.

On 14 February 2023 Pan Pac’s Whirinaki mill site was inundated by 2 metres of water and silt when the banks of the Esk River were breached during heavy rainfall brought by Cyclone Gabrielle. This non-technical talk outlines the impact on Pan Pac’s assets and operation, and the subsequent recovery to full operations dubbed “Project Phoenix”.    

COST: Members: $55    Non-members: $65 

(The following payment options are available: direct credit to Appita NZ Section Acct, ANZ Rotorua 

06 0413 0178800 00; cash; credit cards (Visa, Mastercard & Amex. NB: Amex payments incur a 3% surcharge); pre-arranged invoice). 


Kim McGrouther, Scion -

Gareth Buchanan - 

Gareth Bowen -


Please register by Monday 12th August by contacting:

Karen Clark, Appita

E-mail :  

Mobile : 027 231 6541 

(People who register for technical meetings, but fail to attend on the night will be charged. Please advise Karen Clark as early as possible if you can no longer attend. The hotel charges Appita for the final number given.)